La mejor historia de Navidad
Aproximadamente hace un año, leía en el blog de un anónimo australiano cómo viven algunas familias ahí abajo toda esta tormenta de buenos deseos, regalos y vacaciones. He de mencionar que este individuo es altamente “anti-críos” y, aunque no comparto esta actitud, si que se disfrutar del modo en el que expresa este rechazo. No soy capaz de encontrar su blog, así como la dirección original donde leí su historia, pero por fortuna en su momento grabé el texto en mi ordenador y puedo reproducirlo fielmente. ¡Qué la disfrutéis!
December 18th, 2004Unos días después, el final de la historia:
My aunt has 10 children under the age of 16. I've met two of them, but have no interest in meeting the others. It's not that hard to avoid them: they live interstate and the family isn't close. I have serious issues with my aunt and her tribe, as they take my aging grandmother for granted and allow her to give them money (poor duck is on the old age pension, and barely has enough to get by on, but still gives everything she can to them.) My aunt is getting mega bucks from the government, and has 8 animals as well as 10 kids.
My mother rang her to find out what she should send the kids for Christmas. She was thinking of buying them a group present, but my aunt said: “No, we'd prefer you to buy each of them a present of around the same value.” When my mum questioned this, my aunt replied: “Well the thing that our kids love about Christmas is returning all the gifts they've been given and buying what they really want.”
I was absolutely gob-smacked when mum told me about this. Those little shits! Is this what Christmas has become?
Mum was going to make them presents by hand so they couldn't be returned, but I said: “Why don't you go and buy some presents for the Wishing Tree with the money you would've spent on the kids and send them a card telling them what you've done?” (The good thing about this plan is that it benefits disadvantaged children, and should teach my aunts snotty brats a lesson!)
K-mart in Australia has a “Wishing Tree” where they put little tags up with a disadvantaged child's details on it so you can buy them a present. I'm sure there are similar schemes all over the world, but thought I should explain anyway!
Those little shits aren't going to be returning our gifts this year! I can't wait for Xmas day to see what they've got to say about this!
December 25th, 2004Ahora en serio, ¿de qué va en realidad la Navidad?
Ok, well I wasn't expecting to be able to give you an update just yet, seeing as it is before 8am on Xmas morning, but “they” opened their gifts last night.
It seems like I have started a family war over the wishing tree idea (I'm quite proud of myself actually!)
When my aunt recieved all the cards for the kids, she assumed that since there were no presents, the kids would be getting cash or gift vouchers. She rang my parents and said: “I haven't opened the cards yet, because I didn't want them to get their hands on the money before Xmas. Could you give me an idea of how much you've put in the cards?, because the kids have got their eyes on some big ticket items this year, and I want to know if they're gonna come up short. I'll have to ask mum to make up the difference.” (My grandma who is on the old-age pension!)
My mum said: “We'd prefer to wait til Xmas day if you don't mind. We want the kids to remember that Xmas is about 'giving and not getting.' I'm sure the kids will still be able to afford some wonderful presents, without having to get your mother to chip in.”
My aunt grumbled and got my dad on the phone (her brother) to whinge about how nasty my mum was. Apparently he was really cold about it and just told her to get over it and teach her family some manners.
ANYHOOOOOO… Last night they got a call from the kids to do the whole “forced thankyou” thing. Anyway, whilst they kids are going through the motions of thanking mum and dad for buying some other kid a present in their name, the eldest child was chucking a tanty in the background. She was screaming: “I hate Aunty Chris and Uncle Tony! I wanted an iPod this christmas! How will i get it now? It's not fair!” and that set the rest of the kids off, crying and whingeing about not getting what they wanted.
Mum and Dad were gobsmacked! My uncle got on the phone and told mum and dad that they'd ruined Xmas! Hahahaha! Mum told him: “If this is what Christmas has become for you lot, then I'm glad I've ruined it! Your children are selfish and have forgotten what the spirit of Christmas means. It's a crying shame that you've raised your children to believe that it's OK to return gifts that other people have put their time and money into, simply to get something better; sparing no thought to the feelings of the gift-giver, or people less fortunate.”
I love my mum! Anyway, the upshot is that the wishing tree fiasco has caused a war within our extended family. But other members of the family are surprisingly supportive; maybe we only did what they wish they had the courage to do!
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